Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington
The Redefining Wealth Podcast community believes that wealth is about more than money and material possessions; it’s actually about well-being. Each week, award-winning personal finance author, international speaker, media personality and your BFF in your head, Patrice Washington, shares solo insights or enlightening guest interviews that influence the masses to live their life’s purpose, find fulfillment and earn more without chasing money.
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Anna Lozano and Lindy Sood: Love Powered: Love Yourself First
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
About our Guests:
Anna Lozano and Lindy Sood are two entrepreneurs who created a business together based on the power of affirmations. They discovered that tapping into their own gifts has been a powerful transformation too. They wanted to share this with their children and Love Powered Co was created. It is their goal to empower the next generations of mindful leaders with conscious products curated for the modern family.
Episode Summary:
Anna and Lindy create affirmation cards with three affirmations and a power phrase. The original intent was enabling their kids to understand how the words connect. They found this method is helpful for everyone. They use words like “I am” to help tap into the power within us. This is a powerful episode that highlights how we can all use reminders to tap into our own greatness and super powers.
Our subconscious uses affirmations to tell ourselves to be better or believe in a powerful statement.
Understanding how the words in our affirmations connect is helpful to everybody.
Having powerful positive reminders is necessary to prevent us from self-sabotaging.
Curiosity is a power not a negative. There is nothing wrong with being inquisitive.
The affirmation cards for kids were designed to get them away from a screen and help them connect on a deeper level.
Everyone is encouraged to connect with their higher selves.
The way we speak about ourselves creates our reality. I am is the most powerful way to begin a phrase.
Quotes from the show:
“This company has taken flight because it was created with so much passion and intention behind it.” - Anna Lozano
"The more that we focus on feeling good the easier life will be." - Anna Lozano
“Benefits we were getting from our affirmation practices that we were doing in our own homes were really transformative for our lives.” - Lindy Sood
“The more we work on ourselves the better it is for our kids, because we are leading by example.” - Lindy Sood
“We are getting back at the core roots of what it means to be human and connecting to the people around you, the people you love, and connecting to your higher self.” - Anna & Lindy
“What you put after the words ‘I am’ shapes your reality.” - Anna & Lindy
“We have the power to shift our beliefs.” - Patrice Washington
“There is nothing wrong with getting the support you need and asking the questions that you want to know.” - Patrice Washington
“We all self-sabotage at some time. Having these reminders around is so necessary.” - Patrice Washington
“I didn't grow up hearing the right messages, but I knew I had to participate in my own rescue.” - Patrice Washington
“We are great. We are enough. We are more than whole.” - Patrice Washington
"In this journey called life as we're striving to be better at whatever we do, we sometimes forget to tell ourselves the right things.” - Patrice Washington
Lindy & Anna’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Happiness. Does it bring me joy?
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Passion, purpose and pride.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Creating Money
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Lindy and the truth about wealth is it is all our own making.”
“My name is Anna and the truth about wealth is that it is all around us and it's only a matter of tapping into it.”
Love Powered Co.
Love Powered Co. on Facebook
Love Powered Co. on Instagram
@lovepoweredco on Twitter
Marie Kondo
Affirmation Box Set use code Patrice 15 for 15% off
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Thursday Feb 07, 2019
REWIND: Dr. Brad Klontz: The Truth About Savings
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
About our Guest:
Dr. Brad Klontz is a financial psychologist who focuses on raising awareness around issues relating to financial health and financial psychology. He is the founder of the Financial Psychology Institute, an Associate Professor at Creighton University, and Managing Principal of Your Mental Wealth Advisors. He was awarded the Innovative Practice Presidential Citation, is the author of numerous books and publications, and is a personal mentor of mine.
Episode Summary:
Today's episode is a rewind episode with Dr. Brad Klontz. I chose this episode because it has very special significance for me. Dr. Brad Klontz is a financial psychologist, and he was one of the first guests on my show. This year we have talked a lot about getting results not just setting resolutions. One of the results I wanted for 2018 was to become a certified Behavioral Finance Specialist. Thanks to the influence of Dr. Brad Klontz, I will have my certification in financial psychology within the next month which has sparked another result I have my sights on for 2019; pursuing an MBA with a concentration in behavioral finance and financial psychology.
Financial psychology is the study of our upbringing, experiences, and our beliefs and behaviors around money.
The goal is improving financial health by improving financial psychology.
Building wealth is first and foremost about your mindset.
Our beliefs around money are real clear indicators of our success or failure.
People who accept responsibility and believe they have the power to change their financial beliefs will have success.
You have to take responsibility if there are gaps in your wealth mindset and seek out mentors that can help you out.
The Banking Reimagined Savings Study proved that associating nostalgic items with savings improved rates by 67%
Quotes from the show:
“The ultimate goal of financial psychology is to help us improve our financial health by improving our psychology.” - Dr. Brad Klontz
“Believe that you have the power to change your financial beliefs.” - Dr. Brad Klontz
“If we can identify our beliefs around money and where they came from, we will then have the power to change.” - Dr. Brad Klontz
“Only you can take responsibility if there are gaps in your wealth mindset.” - Dr. Brad Klontz
“It’s not your logical brain that drives financial behaviors, it's your emotional brain.” - Dr. Brad Klontz
“Our beliefs around money are real clear indicators of our success or failure.” - Dr. Brad Klontz
“Building wealth is about mindset and integrating the other pieces of our lives.” - Patrice Washington
“Start with the why.” - Patrice Washington
“When we talk about money in an engaging way, it makes all the difference.” - Patrice Washington
Brad’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
I look at success as a side effect of what happens naturally when you have an optimal mindset.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Love, laughter, and longevity.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
The Richest Man in Babylon
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Dr. Brad Klontz and the truth about wealth is for me it’s an evolving definition.”
Dr. Brad Klontz: The Truth About Savings
Your Mental Wealth
OCCAM Your Mental Wealth Advisor
Dr. Brad Klontz on YouTube
@DrBradKlontz on Twitter
Books by Dr. Brad Klontz
Financial Psychology Institute
Dr. Thema: Stop Suffering in Silence
Nehemiah Davis: Create Your Circle of Greatness
Crystal Escobar: No More Shoulds
Monique Coleman: Peel Back the Layers
Glen Henry: 5 Steps to Releasing Your Genius
Getting Sentimental Could Increase Your Savings
Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man
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Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Glen Henry: 5 Steps to Releasing Your Genius
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
About our Guest:
Glen Henry is a musician turned YouTube sensation. His Beleaf in Fatherhood channel has surpassed 100K subscribers. He also has a website and podcast of the same name. He is the speaker behind the impactful TED Talk, What I've Learned About Parenting as a Stay-at-home Dad, as well as, the author of It’s Bedtime Now. This father of three, soon to be four, wants to create a positive impact on both fathers and mothers. His popularity is growing, and he can be seen everywhere including on a new Pamper’s commercial with singer, John Legend.
Episode Summary:
I am so excited to have Glen on the show today. We talk about how Glen used his honest approach to fatherhood to transition from music to building an audience and becoming a YouTube sensation. He talks about the 5 steps to releasing genius. If you are feeling stuck or blame your lack of success on someone else, pay special attention to whether you could be missing a key step in releasing your genius and creativity.
Glen knew the Internet would be the right platform to reach his audience. He made a 15-year plan and achieved those goals in two years.
The first stage that you're genius stands on is an idea. When we have an idea it's already complete in our minds.
The second stage is releasing your idea to your ability. This is where your brain and your ability form a relationship of trust.
The third stage is where you have started an idea, and you have shared it with a small audience of one like a trusted friend to get feedback.
The fourth stage is your audience. This is when people actually get use out of what you have created.
The fifth stage is virality. This is when people who aren't your target audience get attached to your work. This is where we receive the most criticism and pick up the biggest amount of growth.
Quotes from the show:
"I'm not responsible for my wife’s lack of vision, I'm responsible for manifesting something she can believe in." - Glen Henry
“Your brain and your ability have to form a relationship together where your brain trusts your ability, and your ability trusts that it's not too overwhelming.” - Glen Henry
“Sometimes we trust our friends more than we trust our ability. Depending on what happens in this relationship can make or break our genius.” - Glen Henry
“You have to manifest your dreams, so that people can see them, feel them, and touch them.” - Glen Henry
“When we release our art to our audience it is no longer ours. They take it and make it whatever they want it to be.” - Glen Henry
“Virality is what our audience does with what we create.” - Glen Henry
“How many of us do not have the results we desire because we skip stages?” - Patrice Washington
"Sometimes we get so caught up in perfectionism that we prevent other people from the blessing. Sometimes you just have to release the genius.” - Patrice Washington
"At some point you have to get out of the ability stage. What I've learned is to stop making things harder than they have to be.” - Patrice Washington
Glen’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Success is when you trust yourself and are able to provide that trust.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Time well spent.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Glen and the truth about wealth is that it's for everybody.”
Beleaf in FATHERHOOD YouTube Channel
Beleaf in FATHERHOOD Podcast
@BeleafMel on Twitter
Glen Henry on Instagram
Glen Henry on Facebook
What I've learned about parenting as a stay-at-home dad
It’s Bedtime Now
Frank Puppet GoFundMe
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Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Monique Coleman: Peel Back the Layers
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Monique Coleman is an actress, activist, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her role in Disney’s High School Musical. She is the woman behind Mo’tivated Productions with the goal of creating impactful media for the world. She is the star of Gimme Mo’ which shines a light on social and emotional issues that impact young people. She is also a philanthropist and activist and was the UN Youth Champion with a mission of youth empowerment.
Episode Summary:
In this episode, we talk about how imposter syndrome is real and how to move past that. This show focuses on the faith pillar. We talk about the importance of taking an honest look at yourself and resolving any issues. Without healing yourself, you can't have the impact on your business and life that you would like to have. We also talk about how it takes faith to be honest and to do the work required. Monique is an inspiration and a wonderful guest.
At first Monique felt like an imposter on High School Musical, then she decided to use the platform to impact and inspire young people.
High School music wasn't just about Monique being an actor or an artist. It was about being positioned to penetrate the hearts of young people.
Define satisfaction means being dissatisfied with the situation because you are out of alignment. Sometimes we need to give ourselves space to change the things that we are not happy with.
To really change you have to get to a point where you are uncomfortable.
You can't change without honesty and really looking and assessing the situation and breaking things down.
Giving is not meant to be depleting. It's important to set healthy boundaries.
It’s important to take care of yourself. Self care is very important.
Quotes from the show:
“By achieving your dream you actually unlock your purpose.” - Monique Coleman
“If I don't get another opportunity can I have used this moment for something more than just myself.” - Monique Coleman
“No matter who you are or what you achieve you still have to be willing to do the work.” - Patrice Washington
The toughest work you will do is asking yourself "Why?" - Patrice Washington
“Align to how you want to feel - NOT just what you want to do.” - Monique Coleman
“Your business cannot grow past the point that you haven't healed.” - Monique Coleman
“When you congratulate me don't focus on the results, congratulate me for my resilience to get to the results.” - Monique Coleman
“Gratitude doesn't equate to complacency.” - Patrice Washington
“None of us have the answers. We just keep taking one more step until we ultimately create something people can see.” - Monique Coleman
“Divine dissatisfaction is allowing yourself to be dissatisfied with a situation not because you're complaining but because you're out of alignment.” - Monique Coleman
“Sometimes gratitude can become a mask for the reality of our situation which cannot change unless we look at it honestly.” - Patrice Washington
“I can love myself through the discomfort of knowing I'm not where I want to be or in alignment.” - Monique Coleman
“Giving is not meant to be depleting.” - Monique Coleman
“I no longer accept "busy" as a compliment.” - Monique Coleman
“I was hiding out in the gym so I didn't have to face the areas I really needed to heal in.” - Monique Coleman
“Feeling better isn't always being better. Just because you feel good it doesn't mean you are good.” - Monique Coleman
“If you aren't making any mistakes you probably aren't taking any risks or growing.” - Patrice Washington
Monique’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Being at peace.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Monique and the truth about wealth is we only have what we believe we deserve.”
Monique Coleman on Instagram
@gimmemotalk on Twitter
Monique Coleman on Facebook
Monique Coleman The Youth Assembly
Mo’tivated Productions
Boundaries Are Necessities
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Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Crystal Escobar: No More Shoulds
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
About our Guest:
Crystal Escobar is a mother, author, entrepreneur, blogger, and podcaster and a wannabe balanced mom. When Crystal first became a mom she wondered if she could be there for her kids and be there for herself. She started exploring her quest for balance in 2010 and now she helps other moms find purpose and balance. She now juggles her blog, podcast, business, and four kids, sharing her journey along the way.
Episode Summary:
This is Part 3 of our Results NOT Resolutions series. Today, I am joined by Crystal Escobar an author and entrepreneur who says, "we cannot live our life based on shoulds." Today's focus is on the space pillar which is all about setting up your life to support you. We talk about achieving balance and when to let things go. We talk about how it is okay to ask for help and how creating a list with 30-minute intervals can help get things done and about why it’s critical to let things go and not worry about the expectations of others.
Don't live your life based on “shoulds” and trying to manage the expectations of others.
Harmony can be an upgrade to balance. It's okay to have your own goals and aspirations and try to achieve balance in your life.
Sometimes you have to let expectations go and accept that having kids means that sometimes your house will be messy and unorganized.
Be organized and set up your workspace, so that you can focus on what you're doing and not be distracted by clutter around you.
Multitasking and trying to do more than one project at a time will actually cost you time in the long run.
To be productive, create a 30-minute list. List things you need to get done and use a timer to work on each item.
It’s okay to set time aside for yourself and your work and get help or outsource some of the household stuff.
Quotes from the show:
“Include your kids in what you're working on so they understand what's possible.” - Crystal Escobar
“Balance to me is more about a state of mind. It's not about all the things I can get done in one day.” - Crystal Escobar
“When you're trying to be creative you have to clear the clutter.” - Crystal Escobar
“We're not as effective as we think we are when we're doing two or more things at once.” - Crystal Escobar
Use a timer when you're organizing and then tell yourself "It's time to move on." - Crystal Escobar
“Become okay with B- work in certain areas.” - Patrice Washington
“When your space is in order it teaches others how to treat you.” - Patrice Washington
“Maybe you can't have a balanced day, but you can plan for a balanced week.” - Crystal Escobar
“Get rid of the "shoulds" in your life. Don't beat yourself up about what you think you should be doing.” - Crystal Escobar
“We have to let go of the expectations we believe others may have of us, because we're only frustrating ourselves.” - Patrice Washington
Crystal’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Being connected to your intuition and following what your intuition is telling you to do. Following your purpose and not being driven by the money. Being connected with your inner being and God and your intuition through prayer and meditation.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Time freedom.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
The Seat of the Soul
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Crystal Escobar and the truth about wealth is more about your spirituality and how you are evolving as a spiritual being and following your true passion.”
My Life As a Wannabe Balanced Mom
Wannabe Balanced Mom
Crystal Escobar on Facebook
Crystal Escobar on Instagram
Wannabe Balanced Mom on YouTube
The One Thing
Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live
Boundaries Are Necessities
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Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Nehemiah Davis: Create Your Circle of Greatness
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Nehemiah Davis is a true example of what one can achieve if they try. At the age of 31, he is an award-winning author, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He was raised by his mother and grandmother, and even though the odds may have been against him, he started his first business at age 21 and started giving back almost immediately. He now runs three businesses and the Nehemiah Davis Foundation which helps disadvantaged youth, feeds the homeless in Philadelphia, and helps people all around the world.
Episode Summary:
It's time for part two of the Results NOT Resolutions series. Nehemiah Davis is here to talk about how every one of us deserves our own circle of greatness. We talk about how Nehemiah and I met. Nehemiah shares what the circle of greatness is. He also talks about seeking counsel from mentors who have done what you want to do and expanding your mind. He shares his story and how changing your mindset can change your life. We also talk about entrepreneurship, giving back, finding mentors, and having a network.
An Instagram profile and a chance meeting on the street led to Nehemiah being able to propose on the Steve Harvey show thanks to Patrice. That is the power of relationships and not looking for anything in return.
We are blessed to be a blessing by creating connections for people and not expecting anything in return.
The circle of greatness is a community that connects people that can help support one another. It's great when one person creates connections, but it's even greater when it's an entire community creating connections.
Keeping resources in the circle and having people smarter and sharper than you in your circle is the key to success.
It's important to seek wise advice and counsel from people who have done it. If you want to become a millionaire, learn from a millionaire.
Now is the best time to get into entrepreneurship and create your wealth.
Nehemiah teaches kids how to be entrepreneurs and create their own jobs. It’s so important to learn the mindset.
Quotes from the show:
“If you bless people for the right reasons, you don't have to dangle it over their heads forever.” - Patrice Washington
“Stop doing a million things a few times and getting upset about the results.” - Patrice Washington
Finding a mentor is the fast track to your success formula. - Nehemiah Davis
“Your Circle of Greatness is created by connecting people who can compliment you in your growth.” - Nehemiah Davis
“You only grow to the extent of those that are around you.” - Nehemiah Davis
“The moment you put in your mind it won't work, it won't work.” - Nehemiah Davis
Nehemiah’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Waking up every single day and being able to do what you love to do.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Living your passion.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Think and Grow Rich
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Nehemiah Davis and the truth about wealth is being able to wake up, do what you love, and generate income from doing what you love.”
Nehemiah Davis
@NeoDaviso on Twitter
Nehemiah Davis on LinkedIn
The Nehemiah Davis Foundation on Facebook
Nehemiah Davis on Facebook
Nehemiah Davis Instagram
Your Virtual Admin Expert
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Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Dr. Thema: Stop Suffering in Silence
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Welcome to Part One of the Results NOT Resolutions Series with my guest Dr. Thema Bryant. Dr. Thema is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister, and sacred artist. She has worked tirelessly to help marginalized people. She is an associate professor at Pepperdine University and past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women. She has served as a mental health consultant for print, radio, and television. She has recently been working on Chad Loves Michelle on the OWN network.
Episode Summary:
In this inspiring episode Dr. Thema talks about why we need to heal and the things we do to avoid facing the fact that we haven't healed. This show is packed with wisdom from not hiding your gifts from the world to being able to ask for and accept help. We even talk a little bit about Chad Loves Michelle. This is the perfect episode to help all of us put our priorities where they need to be and focus on taking care of who we were, so we can be who we are.
Even though the world may call you a success, you know that there is more possible for you and within you, but you have to address those blocks.
You may have accomplished a lot by the world’s standards, but being busy can be a feeling of being unworthy.
Get to the place where you will settle for nothing less than your best.
Get results by making your wellness a priority and stop running from stuff.
You need to be healed so that your wounds don’t pollute your gift.
Be honest where you are and be willing to accept help before things get worse than they need to be.
Enjoy the journey. All of our experiences are lessons that prepare us for what is to come.
Quotes from the show:
“The greatest fruit I want for you in 2019 is yourself. When you get yourself back not even the sky will be the limit.” - Dr. Thema Bryant
“When we want better for ourselves we resist settling. Even though, the world may look at us and call us a success, we know that there is more possible for us and more within us.” - Dr. Thema Bryant
“Busy does not mean heal, and busy does not mean whole. There is a difference between being motivated and driven by insecurity.” - Dr. Thema Bryant
“We avoid healing because we have been taught and raised by people who did not have the luxury of healing.” - Dr. Thema Bryant
"You don't want your wounds to pollute your gift, and they will if you are unhealed.” - Dr. Thema Bryant
Dr. Thema’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Fulfillment of every gift that is within you.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Abundance holistically.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
I Dance with God: A Cojourney in Prayer
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Dr. Thema and the truth about wealth is it starts with wellness within.”
Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis
@drthema on Twitter
Thriving in the Wake of Trauma: A Multicultural Guide
Chad Loves Michelle
Black Women’s Network
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Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Who Are You Becoming
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Welcome to the final episode of 2018. It's hard to believe an entire year has gone by already. I am so excited and so thankful to be at the tail end of another year. A year that was challenging but was filled with growth for me as a wife, mother, and business owner.
I titled this episode well before I went and saw Michelle Obama on her book tour in Los Angeles. As we end the year and start thinking about next year, it's the perfect time to talk about who we are becoming. As I've grown over the years, I realize that it takes more than just saying what I want. I have to focus on who I'm becoming in the process, and that’s what we talk about today.
Patrice is so grateful for the past year and all of her growth experiences.
The Greatness Guide connects so well with the pillars of Redefining Wealth. What we do each day defines who we are becoming.
Can you accept that knowing what you want is not enough? Be willing to become someone who is a willing and consistent goal-setter.
Become someone who is willing to ask for help and accept support. Ask for help or invest in some type of support from someone who has already done it.
Are you willing to avoid the temptation to allow precious days to become unimportant? Continually take action don't let days go by and be wasted.
Truly ask yourself who you need to become for your goals to come to fruition.
Quotes from the show:
“In order for you to get everything that you are dreaming of for 2019, you have to ask yourself am I willing to become someone who can ask for help and accept support.” - Patrice Washington
“I am just grateful. I am in a grateful place from being able to look back and realize that I've grown so much.” - Patrice Washington
“We don't get what we want, we get what we believe. Belief is actually heightened when we have clarity around a clear-cut path to get there.” - Patrice Washington
“Most of us have to look at what the big picture is and then break it down into very small milestones. Then we have to be consistent about delivering it and truly turning it into a goal.” - Patrice Washington
“Are you willing to take the next step and become someone who is really coachable?” - Patrice Washington
Becoming by Michelle Obama
The Greatness Guide: 101 Lessons for Making What’s Good at Work and in Life Even Better
Are You Actually Coachable?
You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth
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Thursday Dec 20, 2018
REWIND: Results NOT Resolutions
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
We are going back in time with another Redefining Wealth REWIND. You are a different person now than you were last year. If you are like me, and you are working on your goals for 2019 then this episode will be relevant for you. Today's episode is Results NOT Resolutions and it's a must listen to if you are thinking about what you want to create in the next 12 months. I give you three things to consider to stop breaking the same resolutions or goals year after year.
Instead of focusing on fluffy resolutions, try focusing on whatever area in your life that you really want to achieve results in.
In order to get to the next level,it's not okay to make the same New Year's resolution and then break it year after year.
The difference between making a resolution and actually achieving that resolution is commitment.
Commitment takes more than interest. Interest is talking, researching, and praying about something, but not really making anything happen.
Commitment is not based on how you feel. Committed people know they have to stick it out and go the extra mile when they don't feel like it.
Commitment means completion. If we could stay the course and get to the other side, our breakthrough would be at the end of completion.
Quotes from the show:
“I have shifted my focus from resolutions to flat-out getting results. For me, it's about being committed to the result.” - Patrice Washington
“Instead of writing really plain generic goals really focus on outcomes and obtaining results.” - Patrice Washington
“Commitment is the difference between making a resolution on January 1st and obtaining it by December 31st or sooner.” - Patrice Washington
“Talking, wishing, hoping, praying is very nice, but it doesn't make anything happen.” - Patrice Washington
“You have to be great, even when you don't feel like it. Committed people go the extra mile.” - Patrice Washington
Finish Strong: Determine What’s Important Now
How to Walk in Expectancy
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Thursday Dec 13, 2018
REWIND: Dr. Dennis Kimbro - Wealth Is a Choice
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Today's redefining wealth rewind features the single most played episode of all time with my mentor and the man who says "wealth is a choice" best-selling author Dr. Dennis Kimbro. If you want to take control of your finances and your life, you couldn't have found a better episode.
Dr. Kimbro’s book changed my life, and he helped me during one of my lowest moments. He is truly inspiring, and this episode is packed with wisdom. Dr. Dennis Kimbro is a writing partner and master trainer for the Napoleon Hill Foundation. He is the best-selling author of five books, and a recipient of the Dale Carnegie Personal Achievement award.
Episode Summary:
Dr. Kimbro shares inspirational wisdom about mindset, personal responsibility, showing up, and choosing to be more and have more. We talk about mindset, self-esteem, and the divine. We talk about how we need to be challenged to be successful and how it takes courage to do things differently. This episode is really inspirational and a must listen for everyone who wants to up their game.
Total craft mastery is being the best at what you do and impacting lives while never having to worry about income or employment.
Wealth is about mindset, and we need to focus in on our divine perfection.
It's critical to have a passionate committed mind, because it can never be defeated in spite of doubters.
If your heart's not in your throat at least once a week, you are living too far from the edge. The comfort zone is the opposite of success and achievement.
Success builds character, but failure reveals it. Don't ever compromise your values.
Dr. Kimbro’s books aren't about cash. They are about courage. It takes courage to get new friends and forsake today for tomorrow and do what you need to do.
There are two choices we have to confront everyday. We can accept the circumstances as they are or take the responsibility to change them.
Quotes from the show:
“When you're the best at what you do, you never have to worry about income and you never have to worry about employment.” - Dr. Dennis Kimbro
“We have to focus in on our divine perfection because that's when miracles and healing occur.” - Dr. Dennis Kimbro
“The greatest gift we've ever been given is the ability to change our mind.” - Dr. Dennis Kimbro
“The passionate committed mind can never be defeated.” - Dr. Dennis Kimbro
"When I met Dr. Dennis Kimbro I was so excited I couldn't stop talking about it.” - Patrice Washington
Dr. Dennis Kimbro’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or idea.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Creative men and women with access to capital.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Free to Choose
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Dennis Kimbro and for me the truth about wealth is easier than I thought.”
Dennis Kimbro
@DrDennisKimbro on Twitter
Dennis Kimbro on LinkedIn
The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires
Think & Grow Rich: A Black Choice
Free to Choose: A Personal Statement
Original Dennis Kimbro Podcast
John Johnson
The New Possibility Thinkers Bible
Tera Carissa Hodges: History Does Not Dictate Destiny
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