Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington
The Redefining Wealth Podcast community believes that wealth is about more than money and material possessions; it’s actually about well-being. Each week, award-winning personal finance author, international speaker, media personality and your BFF in your head, Patrice Washington, shares solo insights or enlightening guest interviews that influence the masses to live their life’s purpose, find fulfillment and earn more without chasing money.
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Geremy Dixon: The Distraction of Unforgiveness
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
When you’re incapable of disconnecting yourself from past pain and trauma, it impedes your ability to walk in the success you desire. Think about it. How often do you allow the pain someone may have caused you in the past to come up again and again in the present? Geremy Dixon wastes no time jumping into this topic. Join me as I sit down with my very own pastor and discuss all the parts of forgiveness you didn’t know you needed.
In this episode, Geremy shares excerpts from his Unstuck Series – a 5-part series covering UnLoad, UnPlug, UnCover, UnShackle and UnSubscribe. This episode focuses particularly on UnShackle, as we dive into what it means to forgive and how critical forgiveness is to our own well-being and success.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers Community. Connect with like-minded listeners of the Redefining Wealth Podcast who all desire to improve in the Six Pillars of Wealth.
About Geremy Dixon
Pastor Geremy has served as associate and now Lead Pastor for over 18 years at Center of Hope LA in Inglewood, CA. Known for his approachable demeanor and common-sense method to Kingdom living, he has the unique ability to connect with individuals from all walks of life. Pastor Geremy’s particular blend of humor, inspiration and sound biblical grounding has opened doors for him to be a guest facilitator and well-sought-after speaker at churches, conferences and conventions, both nationally and internationally. Articulate, passionate and driven he is one of the emerging voices proclaiming God’s desire to establish His Kingdom in the marketplace.
Actively Pursue Forgiveness
“As long as we’re not actively pursuing forgiveness, we’re standing at the gate of incarceration for everyone we’ve ever held in contempt.” – Pastor Geremy
Pastor Geremy says the way in which we legitimize past pain and trauma is by highlighting the fact that what took place necessitates some sort of punishment. We seem to believe that it necessitates some act that rights the wrong, and that we have to be the one to make sure the “wrongful” person has paid their debt to us in some way.
If we’re not careful though, as we seek to bring about justice in someone else’s life, we find ourselves having to stay until the proceedings are over or the sentence is served. So, now imagine having to live guarding the gate of someone who has a life sentence. Think about how often you’d think about the pain they caused on a minute-by-minute, day-by-day and year-by-year basis. Sadly, and painfully, it would always be right there.
And yet, there’s a world out there waiting for us and all that we have to offer, but when unforgiveness creeps in, our mind shifts from all that’s available to the pain and brokenness, and we can’t forgive, forget or move on.
How many times has this happened to you?
Arrest/Pre-Arrest Investigation
“Before we can give forgiveness, we have to get clarity around whether what we’re offended about really happened.” – Pastor Geremy
Think of it how Pastor Geremy does and ask yourself these questions:
Did I see it myself?
Who are the people bringing it to my attention? Are they credible?
Is it a misunderstanding?
Do I assume certain people see me a certain way?
Do I feel offended not because something was wrong, but because I wanted it a different way?
For many people, we hold grudges with people who didn’t do anything to begin with. And in a lot of cases, we find out that unforgiveness is not necessary because there wasn’t really anything wrong to begin with.
That’s why it’s so important to investigate these past offenses and to clearly understand what took place.
The Arraignment
This is where Pastor Geremy says the “wrongful” individual gets to hear exactly what they’re being charged with.
If and when it’s possible and safe, it’s imperative for the process of forgiveness to be able to sit with the person who has offended or harmed you and have a conversation about how you feel.
To do this effectively, you need to be clear on the real problem. Knowing this will help you articulate your feelings and understand why you are hurt. Then when you sit down with the other person, you can approach the conversation with strength and confidence. You can ask questions instead of placing blame, and you can create a space for dialogue.
“When we are offended and emotionally charged, we’ll pile on charges that are not even necessary.” – Pastor Geremy
Release on Own Recognizance
Here he says, you allow the person in question to be released while the case is being built. In other words, you suspend judgment.
For many of us, a situation will happen and we jump immediately to this happened and that happened, and start making assumptions, drawing conclusions and making judgments.
But what we should do instead is suspend judgment until we’ve had time to sort out the situation. Making a judgment before we’ve had a chance to look at the situation or to talk with the other person, makes the process so much harder to work through.
Trial, aka “Conversation”
This is critical. Pastor Geremy says conversation can put you in a place of understanding and forgiveness. Many times, you’ll meet an individual who has lost their way or done something unbecoming, but when they begin to talk about their situation and talk about their world, your perspective changes.
I, too, can’t stress the importance of conversation enough. When I have the chance to sit with a person who has harmed or offended me, to hear their story helps me to understand and accept their own brokenness and hurt. This is crucial for being able to move to a place of understanding and forgiveness.
Sentencing is Always Forgiveness
The question you have to ask yourself here, he says, is: Is it release to reunification or a new normal? In other words, forgiveness is always the answer, but reunification is not always easy.
Sometimes you’ll realize that you can’t go back to the same behaviors or the same relationship you had before with the person, BUT you can still forgive them. You can forgive and say, “It will never be what it used to be, but we can figure out a path forward or decide to go our separate ways.”
“People who harm me cannot provide restitution to me. They cannot undo what was done. They don’t have the capacity.” – Pastor Geremy
He says to think about restitution like this. Let’s say a person steals something from you. They can (and should) return the item to you, but they can’t return the safety you felt before you were robbed.
The feeling of vulnerability and insecurity that you could have your possessions or even your person impacted at any moment by someone who has ill intentions is something that can only be restored by God.
“Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.” – Patrice Washington
“Forgiveness is not the removal of the charge. It’s the refusal to sentence them to death.” – Pastor Geremy
Visit to find out more about Pastor Geremy.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Geremy’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“I am walking in absolute purpose according to God’s design, not my own.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Peace, purpose, risk.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
“Unlocking Heaven by Kevin Dedmon”
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Geremy and the truth about wealth is you have more of it than you recognize.”
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Thursday Jun 27, 2019
The Power of Mastery + Momentum
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
The doors to Mastery + Momentum are open for a bit longer, and I thought while we wait to start this amazing adventure it would be great to peel back the layers and share some key points with you. In this episode, we’ll look at why I created the Mastery + Momentum community, how you can apply the concept of Mastery + Momentum to your own life and what the program has done for the women we currently serve.
Before we dive in, I want to celebrate these women. In the last six months, we’ve seen everything from raises, promotions and increased income to mended relationships, weight loss and saving more money than they’ve ever done before. These epic results come from a radical approach to goal setting and accountability, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
This episode is brought to you by my Mastery + Momentum 12-month Private Mastermind and Retreat Experience. If you’ve been craving sisterhood and community with not just like-minded women, but women who have the capacity to relate to your success, while understanding the struggles that come with it, I might have what you need! Learn more at
If I asked you to define mastery, you’d probably say something like knowing everything possible about a particular subject or area. The truth is, however, you don’t have to know everything, but you do need to be at least proficient which is more in alignment with what mastery means. Notice: it doesn’t mean perfection.
For many of us, we never create enough time to become more proficient – more masterful – in the things that challenge, scare or are unknown to us. Instead, we stay comfortable. We keep the same company, hide out, play small and tell ourselves that, “That’s just who I am.” In other words, we settle.
Now, I want you to take a moment and think about the greatest version of yourself. Who is she? What is she like?
When I see the greatest version of myself, I recognize that there’s work to do – some of it is scary and some of it I don’t even know how to start. But one thing I don’t do – I don’t stop. Instead, I center myself around people who are strong where I am weak, and I invest in learning so that I can become more proficient in areas that I’m not.
“I don’t have to be perfect, but I can be more knowledgeable, more proficient.”
In the Mastery + Momentum Mastermind, we use my 6 Pillars of Wealth to get honest about where we are. We look at the areas we need to work on most and who we need to become to reach our goals and more importantly maintain them.
“If you don’t take the time to master your weaknesses, you’ll mask them with things that don’t matter and waste precious time and money.”
Simply put, momentum is the driving force gained by the development of a process or course of events. In other words, when you get clear on the areas you need to work on and you begin building up your proficiency, momentum will create a chain-reaction of milestones – achievements obtained sooner, quicker and faster than you’ve ever experienced before. It’s like a landslide of winning.
For many people, they experience a win every three or five years. They’ll accomplish one thing and then sit on the sidelines again waiting for another opportunity.
With consistent dedication to mastery, however, your momentum builds and that win that only happened once a year or once every five years, happens on the regular.
Meet Mastery + Momentum
To show you how powerful this concept of mastery and momentum can be, we invited a handful of women from my Mastermind to share their experiences with you.
First up is Lezlie. Lezlie is a massage therapist from Detroit and when asked to share one win she’s had since starting the mastermind, she said,
“I don’t want to be too broad in saying that every area of life has changed for the better, but honestly, it has.” – Lezlie
Since being in the Mastery + Momentum community, Lezlie has lost 16 pounds. She’s straightened out relationships that had been gnawing at her. Her career is more fulfilling. And she’s managed to follow and maintain a daily routine.
Many of these incredible women have created exponential momentum by embracing new ideas of what self-care means. Here’s a look at how Maritza’s self-care changed:
“Self-care is about protecting your space. It’s about creating boundaries and taking care of yourself mentally and physically.” – Maritza
It’s also about carving out time in your day to make sure you’re doing what’s important to you. For Maritza, Mastery + Momentum has completely transformed her life. She now wakes up two hours earlier than she was before and uses that time to work out, pray or journal.
“Had it not been for Mastery + Momentum, I’d still be living with a limited definition of what self-care means.” – Maritza
Some of the women like wife, mother and entrepreneur, Herdyne Mercier, came in committed to elevate one pillar and then something else happened.
As Herdyne discussed, the one pillar she wanted to elevate was the faith pillar. When she started in Mastery + Momentum, she was questioning whether or not God was hearing her prayers and wondering whether the dreams he’d deposited in her would manifest themselves.
Over the course of Mastery + Momentum, Herdyne launched the LCSW Success program to help people pass the exam needed to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She also raised her prices and has gotten more exposure so she can walk in purpose and spread her own unique message.
That’s momentum. That’s her prayers being answered.
When we asked how being a part of the Mastery + Momentum community felt, here’s what April, an advocate for children and families in the education arena in NYC and Carla, a mom and marketing expert, had to say,
“We have such love for one another. We support each other, we push each other and we never allow each other to stay stuck in a bad moment.” – April
“I have sisters who support me. I have a true sense of community with women who cheerlead, encourage and pray with each other.” – Carla
Seeing these women interact at our live spring retreat left me asking several of them, “Are you sure you didn’t know each other before this?” These women have grown together, they lean on each other, they bounce ideas off of one another, and they refuse to let their sisters settle for second best.
This community is exactly what I set out to create. And now, as we’re gearing up for the next Mastery + Momentum group, I have to say from the applications I’ve read so far, I’m astounded by the number of people who aren’t willing to leave their comfort zone to claim their breakthrough.
Fortunately for Natalie, an international influencer from the UK, she was willing to and didn’t let living across the pond prevent her from joining our community.
“I love everything about Patrice Washington. When I heard she was doing a mastermind, it was a no-brainer, I had to be a part of it.” – Natalie
Another bonus for Natalie has been the wonderful Mastery + Momentum community, and she says, “It’s been amazing having such a supportive group of women from the US. These women have taken me onboard as a sister of theirs and I’ve loved the support we’ve given each other.”
Support. Sisterhood. Friendship. Structure. Success. These are all words used to describe Mastery + Momentum and they’re backed by real action.
Now, I’ll see many women filled with excitement when they attend a conference or enroll in a mastery program, but find themselves sitting with the same old habits shortly after the event or program ends all because there’s nothing or no one pushing them to keep progressing forward. With Mastery + Momentum, that’s not the case.
If you’re willing to admit you can’t do this alone, that you need a sisterhood to support, motivate and challenge you, then applying for Mastery + Momentum will be one of the best decisions of your life.
Transformation, goals achieved, momentum, mastery and the BEST version of you are all waiting on the other side of this click:
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Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Lisa Bilyeu: How All In Are You Really?
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
How all-in are you when it comes to building the life you want? For many of us, we think we want something, but the truth is we aren’t willing to give up x, y or z to get there. Lisa Bilyeu knows how to put it all on the line. Join me as I sit down with the co-founder of the billion-dollar company, Quest.
In this episode, Lisa shares her own health struggles and how she made the choice to overcome them. She also reveals how she went from housewife to world-class entrepreneur and provides some of her best mindset shifts for creating the life you desire.
This episode is brought to you by my Mastery + Momentum 12-month Private Mastermind and Retreat Experience. If you’ve been craving sisterhood and community with not just like-minded women, but women who have the capacity to relate to your success, while understanding the struggles that come with it, I might have what you need! Learn more at
About Lisa Bilyeu
Lisa is living proof that Darwin was right when he said it’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change.
Lisa began her professional career in film, moved briefly into administration, and then, as a founding team member at Quest Nutrition, she took on logistics –
building the company’s fulfillment department from scratch and helping facilitate the company’s rise to #2 on the Inc. 500 list of the fastest-growing private companies.
Lisa then returned to media, helping build the company’s revolutionary in-house media team, producing content that has been viewed over 100,000,000 times. Presently, as co-founder of Impact Theory, she’s looking to combine her highly developed skills as a creative producer with her drive to help people build things that matter.
Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You
“Take the best talent and then invest in them.” – Lisa Bilyeu
For a lot of people, when it’s time to invest in their business, they often shortchange themselves by just taking whoever they can find. For me – and for Lisa – it’s better to have nobody than a bad body.
Talent doesn’t mean having been born with a certain skillset. It means that you’re willing to keep pushing yourself and learning. So, for Lisa, if someone comes into her business patting themselves on the back and believing they can never make a mistake, there’s a good chance she wouldn’t hire them.
The reason? Lisa wants her team to know they’re never going to be perfect. They will make mistakes. They will get critiqued. Talent then could be defined as the drive to push yourself to accumulate said skill and the desire to continuously refine it and build on it.
How All-in Am I?
I meet people all the time who have lofty goals and dreams. They want time freedom, they want to work from home, they want to travel on a whim, but when it comes to investing in the life they want, they often don’t.
That’s why I love this question so much: How All-in Am I?
In other words, what am I willing to sacrifice and what am I not willing sacrifice? How all-in am I willing to go? What am I willing to lose?
At the end of the day, you have to do what feels right for you. For Lisa, she put her house on the line because she knew if she didn’t, she’d look back and know she hadn’t given it her all.
I Choose This Life – the Key to Personal Responsibility
Lisa never expected to be an entrepreneur. She was a housewife for eight years and had been primed her whole life for that role. So when her husband suggested this new business venture – Quest – Lisa had to restructure her mindset and take responsibility for her choices.
Within two years, Lisa went from shipping out bars from her living room floor to building out a 10,000 square foot shipping department with 40 employees. How did she do it?
She made the choice to ask all the questions she needed to achieve the things she wanted and to push the business forward. She could let fear paralyze her. She also could have pretended she knew what she was doing. But neither of those things would have serviced her and the life she wanted to create.
Lisa accepted that she didn’t always know what she was doing, but that she could figure it out.
“When feeling weak or unsure of myself, I just keep asking questions.” – Lisa Bilyeu
Tell Yourself a New Story
Everything we believe is either a story we tell ourselves or a story others have told us about ourselves.
When you’re a kid and other kids say things like, “Oh, you’ve got a big nose,” or “Oh, you ask too many dumb questions.” You carry these thoughts through into adulthood and those jabs become your story.
Now, Lisa and I both realize, that those things we thought as kids, don’t define us. And knowing they don’t define us and we can come through the other side, is so empowering.
“When you realize you have the power to construct your story, anything becomes possible.”
And now, adds Lisa, “I’ve shown myself that putting my hand up and asking questions actually gets me what I want.”
Embrace Your Decisions
When Lisa and her husband got married, she expected to one day have kids. As their business started to develop though, she realized she didn’t want kids.
Working through her decision, embracing it and standing with it has been tough, but it’s helped Lisa realize a few things:
It was the right decision for her, her husband and their business.
The people who support you are people you should keep in your life. Those who judge you, don’t belong in your life.
Generally, people don’t set off to make you feel bad. In most cases, they’re projecting a judgment they have when they feel in conflict with your decisions and their own.
Become Your Best Self
At the height of their company, when they were winning awards, had bought their dream house in Beverly Hills and were enjoying a bottle of Dom Perignon, Lisa felt like her entire digestive system had erupted.
After years of doctors routinely prescribing antibiotics and Lisa taking them, it had wreaked havoc on her system. She could barely eat anything and lost so much weight that her hair started falling out. As the co-founder of one of the largest nutrition companies in the world, she was embarrassed, ashamed and for a long time hid that she was sick.
Now, four years later, Lisa takes complete ownership over what had happened to her. Yes, doctors prescribed the antibiotics, but she took them. She never asked what long-term side effects they could cause. Rather than beat herself up about it, though, Lisa chose to take ownership and regain control of her body, and now speaks out about her health struggles to help others better listen to their bodies.
Visit to find out more about Lisa and Women of Impact.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Lisa’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“It is how much I smile on a daily basis.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Never wanting.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People by Vanessa Van Edwards
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Lisa Bilyeu and the truth about wealth is that it is not about money in your bank account. It is about how you feel every single morning about yourself when you look in the mirror.”
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Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Courage Molina: Life Can Get Uncomfortable
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Have you ever struggled in your relationship with God? Have you been in a place where you have faith and a strong connection with God, but you’re also mad, disappointed or frustrated with Him? Courage Molina knows this all too well. Join me as I sit down with my Mastery + Momentum co-coach and talk about God, transformation and her book Power Principles: Courageous Living.
In this episode, Courage shares her story of transformation. Her transparency in revealing how she was able to overcome depression and live life anew provides strategies that will empower and equip women of faith to exchange their struggles for strength.
This episode is brought to you by my Mastery + Momentum 12-month Private Mastermind and Retreat Experience. If you’ve been craving sisterhood and community with not just like-minded women, but women who have the capacity to relate to your success, while understanding the struggles that come with it, I might have what you need! Learn more at
About Courage Molina
Courage knows firsthand what it takes to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. As a teen parent, she had to work extra hard to graduate from high school, and then as a wife and mother of three, she had to again work extra hard to earn a college degree.
But through all of that she never questioned God or the decisions He made. It wasn’t until her cousin died and her marriage took a turn for the worse that her relationship with God started to change – and not for the better.
Courage was depressed, and she used alcohol to numb the pain, until she reconnected with God. She owes her recovery, healing and success to her faith and the biblical principles she applied to her life one day at a time – these are the same principles she writes about in her book Power Principles: Courageous Living.
Now, as Chief Courage Crusader and as co-coach of Mastery + Momentum, Courage passionately shares her message of confidence, transformation and faith in God.
You Are Who God Says You Are
When you go through something difficult or you have a setback or failure, you can sometimes become the thing that happened to you.
The problem with this is 1) there’s an ever-changing interpretation of labels and 2) you will never be more than the identity you accept. In other words, your goals will never be higher than who you think you are.
If you believe, for example, “I’m just a black girl from the ghetto,” then you will never accomplish more than being a black girl from the ghetto.
The moment you realize YOU possess the power to change your reality and own your position in this world, you’ll genuinely believe anything is possible.
Forgiveness is Freedom
Have you ever thought someone needs to suffer for the pain they caused you? Afterall, they deserve it, right? Wrong!
It’s not up to you to charge people with their sin. It’s up to you to forgive. You see, when you refuse to forgive somebody, it only holds you back and makes what was done to you an ongoing thought pattern. God’s gift is being able to forgive by allowing yourself to be free of the negative connection that binds you to the hurtful incident.
“My healing is my responsibility.”
You Must Put Your Faith to Work
When you say you believe something, your actions have to demonstrate that belief. It’s not enough for you to say it, DOING IT is what makes the difference.
So when it comes to faith, others should be able to see faith at work in your life, like you can see the wind at work in the trees. You can’t see the wind, but you can see the impact the wind is having.
Your faith is the same. It should be moving something. If it’s not moving you to do something – to take action – it’s a dead faith and faith won’t work if you don’t work it.
“God knows what you’re waiting on when he sees what you’re working on.” @SeekWisdomPCW
Positive Relationships Are Your Life Jacket
On your journey, there will undoubtedly come a time when you can’t swim anymore. If the only things around you are doubt and fear, it will become more difficult to stay afloat and those negative things will start to damage the resources and people around you.
Like our thoughts, our words have the ability to negatively or positively affect our environment.
“Words have power, and what we verbalize, we magnetize in our life.”
What type of environment are you creating for yourself and other people with your words?
Growth Is Not Optional; It’s Required
I always encourage people to read books more than once because as we continue to grow, our perception changes. In other words, you’ll read something and it will sound completely different than when you read it before, and the reason for that is growth.
“Growth does not happen accidently. It’s you deciding to increase your potential and capacity to learn.”
Visit to find out more about Courage and her book Power Principles: Courageous Living.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Courage’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“Success is pursuing your purpose.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“What you have right now.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
“Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.”
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Courage and the truth about wealth is not only is it our birthright, but it’s our obligation.”
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Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth
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Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Life After Financial Loss
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
One of the questions someone recently asked me was: What would you do today if you had to rebuild your life after a financial loss? And it got me thinking back to 2009 and my devastating bathroom floor moment. Now, if you’re new to Redefining Wealth, you might not know this story. So, let me quickly give you the gist.
First, thank you to Experian for sponsoring this episode. All thoughts and opinions are my own. To learn more about Experian Boost as mentioned in this episode, visit
Straight out of college, I built a 7-figure business. Then at the height of the recession, I went from making a million to scrounging for change in couch cushions, old purses – any and everywhere possible. Fortunately, though I was able to pick my life back up and rebuild everything. And if I had to do it again, I’d use the same tangible things we talk about on today’s podcast.
Give Yourself Grace
I know for many people who find themselves in financial despair, it can leave them ashamed, embarrassed and downright depressed. I know for me, when I lost everything, we’re talking foreclosure, repossession and creditors calling left and right, I felt guilty and ashamed and I beat myself up about the situation – wondering how could I have let this happen.
You see, it’s so easy to fall into that beat-up mindset, BUT I want you to remember (and tweet) this vital point:
[spp-tweet tweet="[bctt tweet="“You are not a failure simply because you find yourself in a failed circumstance.” – Patrice Washington" username="seekwisdompcw"]
Now, a big part of Redefining Wealth is the Faith Pillar, and one thing that it has taught me is this:
[spp-tweet tweet="[bctt tweet="“Nothing in life happened to me; instead, it happened for me.” – Patrice Washington" username="seekwisdompcw"]
I want you to remember these two things and show yourself some grace. Yes, take personal responsibility and acknowledge what you could have done differently, but drop the shame and beat-up mindset because they’ll not serve you well at all.
Instead, get curious. Think about what you could do differently in the future. What changes would you make? What might you notice sooner?
Commit to a Plan
One of the first things I remember doing in 2009 when everything was falling apart was to refocus and reflect on my goals at that moment. Not what they were back when I was making 7-figures, but what they were in that moment of financial scarcity.
This approach is similar to the concept “So What, Now What” from my book Real Money Answers for Every Woman – meaning, “Okay, so this has happened, what are you going to do NOW?”
In creating and committing to a plan, it’s essential to get clear on the “now” piece. What can I do now? What are my goals now? What is the next best step I can take now? What is my “why” now? The other part of this approach is having a why – a reason for working through your situation.
The best advice I can give is to take it step-by-step and write everything down. What is your first goal? Is it to downsize and move into a smaller space? Is it to figure out your car situation? Is it to look at your budget? What is the new normal you’re willing to embrace? And what is the plan that goes along with that?
In other words, for you to take your next best step, what do you need to do? Who do you need to call? Where do you need to go? What do you need to sacrifice?
Add a Boost to Your Credit
If you’re like many people, when you’re in a financial struggle, you avoid opening your mail, you stop answering the phone, and you likely avoid checking your credit report.
Now, dodging your credit report is one of the worst things you can do. Why? Because credit is weaved into so much of your life – many opportunities you’ll have (or won’t have) are directly linked to your credit.
Hill Harper, brand ambassador of the credit bureau, Experian, says this:
[spp-tweet tweet="[bctt tweet="“The most important thing you can do is pay your bills on time and not take on too much debt.” – Hill Harper" username="seekwisdompcw"]
Experian Boost is something I wish was around 10 years ago. It works by giving your credit a boost when you pay your household bills such as utility bills, cell phone bill, cable bill and others on time, every time.
Until now, things like the electric, gas, water, cell phone, cable bills haven’t affected your credit score. But now that they can, you’ll have the chance to boost your score instantly with every on-time payment.
While results will vary, if you’ve been through a lot and you want to have something that allows you to feel like you’re making progress, take advantage of Experian Boost by visiting and get your quick win!
Seek Support Sooner Rather than Later
For me, the worst part of my financial trouble was the sense of loneliness. I felt I couldn’t tell anyone because of guilt and shame. I also felt people wouldn’t understand or respect me anymore.
I felt alone and waited until my back was up against the wall before getting any help. It wasn’t until I was crying on the bathroom floor that I reached for my Bible and landed on Proverbs 17:16, “What good is money in the hands of a fool if they have no desire to seek wisdom?
That was when it occurred to me: I’d been good at chasing money, but I had no idea how to ask for help.
Once I opened up to the possibilities that were out there and asked for help, I realized the variety of resources available – and that was 10 years ago.
Today, there are thousands of resources available at your fingertips. It’s literally that easy to find support, and I recommend doing it sooner rather than later because another minute spent trying to work through your struggles alone is another minute lost.
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Thursday May 30, 2019
Brooke Thomas: Bring It To The Surface
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Have you ever thought, I’m sweeping too much of who I am under the rug so that other people will like me or continue to like me? As a people pleaser through and through, you want to be loved, to be appreciated, to be needed. But at what cost? Join me as I sit down with motivational speaker, author and Live Out Loud founder Brooke Thomas.
In this episode, Brooke explains that in order to heal past wounds and live fully in your purpose, you’re going to have to bring something to the surface. We cover everything from Brooke’s cancer diagnosis and the changes she had to make to the life she lives now and how she shows up daily for her community.
This episode is brought to you by Radical Success Certification Program. If you’re an emerging life coach or experienced coach who feels stuck, check out this proven, A-Z coaching framework by Doreen Rainey. You don’t want to just become a coach, you want to run a thriving coaching business and she can show you how. Learn more and apply at
About Brooke Thomas
At 26 years old, newly married and in the first trimester of her first pregnancy, Brooke was diagnosed with stage-three melanoma. Doctors discovered the spot at an OB-GYN appointment and told Brooke the best option was to abort the baby and have chemotherapy.
That wasn’t an option for Brooke. Instead, she opted to have the melanoma surgically removed—without anesthesia. After the procedure, she ended up with 50 stitches and an awful scar that looked like she’d been attacked by a shark.
After her daughter was born, Brooke started to deal with her diagnosis and what it meant for her future. She knew she wanted to be a healthy mom and decided to dig into health and nutrition to really understand what “being healthy” meant.
For years, she became a student of healthy living—immersed in researching cancer, health and nutrition and the connection between them. Eventually, Brooke began doing monthly wellness segments for a local NBC affiliate, and began speaking at major schools, hospitals and Fortune 500 corporations.
“My cancer diagnosis shaped my heart into a more compassionate person and taught me how to manage stress effectively. As I grew stronger in following my purpose, I stepped into leading a team of women.” – Brooke Thomas
Now, a motivational speaker, author of the Thankful 30 recipe book series, and the CEO of Live Out Loud, Brooke helps women pursue their purpose with confidence. She runs a thriving online community with regular trainings on mindset, leadership and creating authentic relationships, and hosts high-level masterminds, live events and group coaching programs.
When the Questions Bubble Up
For many of us, something happens in our life—like it did for Brooke with her cancer diagnosis—where we start to ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this or that? What am I not paying attention to? What is my core purpose?”
The first pillar of wealth is all about becoming your best self and paying attention to your mental and physical well-being.
I know from Brooke’s story that she’d been scratching what she’d thought was a bug bite for months. She couldn’t see it because of where it was located on her body, but it continued to itch. After discovering that it was melanoma, she asked, “What else haven’t I been paying attention to?”
As women, we wear many hats and take on so much responsibility that it can actually be to our own detriment. We’re people pleasers and often the cog in the wheel that keeps everybody and everything going, but when we’re not taking care of ourselves or paying attention to the signs, the consequences are much bigger than we think.
“I feel like that’s what happened to me in all areas of my life. I remember thinking, ‘Hey, can we just deal with this after the baby is born?’” – Brooke Thomas
For Brooke, it was like a beach ball that she was trying to push under the water—and not just her cancer diagnosis—but parts of her childhood and relationships, too.
“God showed me in my moment of pain and darkness that there is light and that I wasn’t meant to live in fear of people or fear of anything—that the light overshadows the darkness. It took a cancer diagnosis and scratching what I thought was a bug bite, to remind me of all the things I had pretended were okay.” – Brooke Thomas
Show Up at the Highest Level
“When women show up full of love, ready to fully support one another, there’s no rivalry between them. Each has her own unique gifts. I want to be surrounded by women like that.” – Brooke Thomas
I love this and see it too in my mastermind group – Mastery + Momentum. I’m so impressed by the women in that group and all that I learn from them, even though I’m the group leader. All I can say is that to be a container for women to come together and bring things to the surface is incredible, and the level of healing that happens is unbelievable.
All the wisdom I get from my mastermind participants, makes me wonder what Brooke teaches and receives from her Elite Mastermind. One of the best bits is that each morning she decides how she’s going to show up for the day and how she wants to be showing up. Brooke doesn’t let her emotions run her calendar because when they do, they stop her from showing up the way she wants to.
Visit to find out more about Brooke and her Elite Mastermind.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Brooke’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“Freedom. Freedom to really show up fully you and live the life that you want, fully.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Emotional abundance.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
“Without Rival by Lisa Bevere. I believe to create wealth – emotional or monetary – you can’t live in rivalry or in comparison with other people.”
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Brooke and the truth about wealth is it’s possible for everybody.”
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Thursday May 23, 2019
Tai Beauchamp: You Are Beyond Ready
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
I see your superwoman cape flapping in the wind, but let me ask you this: Are you tired of “doing the most” and still NOT seeing the results YOU truly desire? If your answer is YESSS, then it’s time to take off the cape and come get your entire life with media personality and lifestyle expert Tai Beauchamp.
In this episode, Tai reveals exactly how you can get intentional with the way you show up so you can move with greater confidence and position yourself to make a more authentic, meaningful impact in the world.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
About Tai Beauchamp
As an award-winning media personality and leading expert in all things fashion, beauty and style, Tai has built an incredible career as an internationally-recognized public speaker, style authority, executive producer and director.
This New Jersey native and Spelman College alum made history as Seventeen magazine’s youngest and first African American beauty and fitness director as well as founding fashion and beauty editor at O, the Oprah Magazine. Her vision has also contributed to the pages of top publications such as Harper’s Bazaar, Good Housekeeping, Vibe and so many others.
Yet, even with such a high-profile career and a long list of accolades and awards, Tai says her work in entertainment does not define her. She then dropped this confidence-infused teachable moment that had me ready to throw my laptop:
“I have never been defined by what I do. I am defined by who I am and how I show up. I have never desired to be famous — it’s not what moves me. My purpose is to impact the lives of women.” – Tai Beauchamp
And that’s exactly the type of clarity and unapologetic presence you get when you know you are “beyond ready” as Tai says. But getting to that place is not easy, especially in the world we live in today.
Waiting for Validation
You see, we’re in a space where many people require validation to move forward. Now, I know “require” is a strong word, but when you look at the human attachment to likes, comments and hearts on social media, you’ll begin to recognize a lot of people are waiting for others to validate their success, purpose and even existence.
I asked Tai about her take on validation seekers and to share some insight on the powerful words she posted on her Instagram page (be sure to follow her @taibeau).
It reads as:
“When you decide you don’t need anyone’s approval to speak, to live or to be, you’ll land on a path uniquely your own that blows your own mind and surpasses anyone’s expectation.” – Tai Beauchamp
Tai believes waiting for people to validate you trips up the way you move. That’s why she urges all of us to draw from within because we’re already equipped with everything we need to live the life we want. In other words, Tai says we’re all “beyond ready,” we simply need to know how to move with intention and confidence.
This entire segment of the episode stirred my soul because how she breaks it all down is so real and transparent. Needing validation is one of those “unspeakable truths” that most people aren’t willing to admit because it requires them to first own that they’re waiting for others to validate what they want and how they live out their lives.
Finding Your Voice
From there, we rolled into a discussion on “finding your voice” and leveraging your platform in a way that is intentional and meaningful. Now, you’re simply going to have to listen to the episode to get all of the gems she dropped during our conversation, but in the meantime let me leave you with this quotable moment:
“When you find your voice, you recognize the things that don’t support your voice are not worthy of your time and your space.” – Tai Beauchamp
Beyond Ready
In this episode, Tai delivers a more in-depth explanation on how two simple words are creating a downright revolution among men and women who are ready for more AND are willing and more than happy to commit to doing the work to get it. So what exactly is “Beyond Ready”?
It’s an e-learning platform Tai created based on the premise that we’re all equipped with the internal power and drive to live our best lives. However, many lack the confidence and intentionality to fully commit to the work required to achieve the objectives they set for themselves.
Inside “Beyond Ready,” Tai teaches individuals how to not just be “ready” but to step into “beyond ready” by making the commitment, at all seasons of their lives, to intentionally unleash the confidence, drive and purpose that lies within. Visit to find out more about the “Beyond Ready” e-learning platform and use code WEALTH to enroll for 15% off the pay in full option. (Limited time offer.)
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Tai’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“I don’t believe in success. I believe in continual progress. I don’t want to arrive anywhere. For me, success, as we have been trained to understand it, means, ‘to arrive somewhere’ and I want to stay on a continuum where I’m always progressing, evolving, developing, learning, loving more, giving more and receiving more.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Spirituality, love and joy.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
“Every book written and every program created by financial expert Dr. Lynn Richardson.”
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Tai and the truth about wealth is it takes work.”
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Thursday May 16, 2019
Christine Hassler: Give Yourself Permission to Feel
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
This week’s episode is brought to you by Holistic Healing with Amy. To learn more about Tower Gardens, Juice Plus and ACT = Accelerated Change Templete for pinpointing mindset blocks and clearing them using kinesiology visit Holistic Healing with Amy and tell them Redefining Wealth sent you.
Christine Hassler is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, master coach, podcast and TV host committed to helping people live their highest potential. I was on her podcast Over It and On with It, and I have been binging on it ever since I started listening to it. Christine supports individuals in answering the important questions of “Who Am I, What do I want, and How do I get it?” She combines life coaching with spiritual psychology to help people find the answers to live their best lives.
Episode Summary:
In honor of our first pillar of physical and mental health, this is Mental Health Awareness Month. Christine is the perfect guest for this month. She is all about feeling your feelings, so you can get on with your best life. We talk about having compassion for yourself and allowing yourself to feel without judgement. We also talk about how we can’t change other people, but we can support them with love while we change ourselves. This conversation is packed with wit, wisdom, and real life examples of living your purpose.
A lot of times we think we're feeling our feelings but we actually are still suppressing them. When we do feel them, we analyze and judge them.
Be in a place of compassion with yourself. It’s okay to let it out.
When we have an emotional situation that is bigger than the situation calls for that means we are in a trigger. It's probably a big feeling that has been suppressed and not dealt with.
The only way to soothe our feelings is to feel them. The rational mind cannot soothe our feelings.
Learn to calm and soothe yourself and release the feeling that you are suppressing.
Notice your feelings. Allow yourself to feel it, and then ask what do I need. Slow down and notice your feelings.
We can support other people's healing by loving them and supporting them unconditionally and doing our own healing.
Quotes from the show:
“When it comes to feeling our feelings, we get pretty confused.” -Christine Hassler
“A lot of times we think we're feeling our feelings, but we actually are still suppressing them.” -Christine Hassler
“We are often in our head instead of just being with our feelings.” -Christine Hassler
“Calm and soothe yourself and release the feeling that you are suppressing.” -Christine Hassler
“Compassion has zero judgment and zero analysis.” -Christine Hassler
“As a parent, you have to let your kids feel and help them work through it.” -Christine Hassler
“Positive thinking is great as long as it doesn't diminish feeling.” -Christine Hassler
“When you suppress the negative feelings you have less access to joy, creativity, and passion.” -Christine Hassler
“As women, we are really good at suppressing anger. ” -Christine Hassler
“When you're triggered, make a date with your feeling.” -Christine Hassler
“We see so much more clearly when we're not highly charged by a feeling that we are suppressing.” -Christine Hassler
“Often the person we need to forgive is our self.” -Christine Hassler
“People can change, but we can't change people.” -Christine Hassler
“We never know what someone's soul curriculum is.” -Christine Hassler
“The more were focused on changing someone else the more off course we are on our own path.” -Christine Hassler
Christine’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
When I feel fully self expressed. When I feel I'm living up to my potential. When I feel like I'm sharing my best self and serving at my best with others.
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Abundance, joy, and worthiness.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
The Science of Getting Rich: How to Make Money and Get the Life You Want
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Christine and the truth about wealth is it's always a reflection of my own inner experience.”
-Christine Hassler Website
Over it & ON WITH IT
-Christine Hassler on YouTube
-Christine Hassler on Instagram
@ChristinHassler on Twitter
-Christine Hassler Facebook Page
-Christine Hassler on LinkedIn
Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself from Your Past, Change Your Present and Get What You Really Want
Books by -Christine Hassler
Coaches Corner: Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington
Mastery + Momentum
Holistic Healing with Amy
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Thursday May 09, 2019
Elijah Frazier: You Can Turn This Around
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Elijah Frazier is an inspiration. At one point in his life things weren’t going his way even though he changed the people around him and geographical areas. He finally came to the realization that he was the problem and knew it was time to do a 180 in his life. Now he is a successful entrepreneur, filmmaker, speaker, and author who thrives by living the purpose he was meant to live. We are so fortunate to have him here today to share his wisdom and brutal honesty.
Episode Summary:
Before we get going on today’s show, I'm going to let you know that I'll be doing an Instagram video on each of our pillars. If you are new to the show or you would like a refresher on the pillars, please be sure to follow me on Instagram. . . This is such a fun episode. Elijah drops knowledge bombs and wisdom at every turn of this show. He gives wonderful examples and has a unique perspective on how we should live our purpose and serve each other.
Sometimes what we think we need isn’t actually what we need.
If the same thing keeps happening in your life, you are the one who needs to be turned around.
The very moment Elijah took accountability for his actions, his life and his relationships turned around.
It’s important to take account of what is coming in to your life.
We need to be careful about what we allow into our spirit and our soul the same way we're careful about what we allow into our bodies.
If you want to be as successful as you can be, discover the purpose that was created for you.
We were chosen and born to let other people know how valuable they are.
Even if you are afraid, you can still do it. Chase after your success, not other people’s.
Quotes from the show:
“The pillars will help you create a stronger foundation that your strategy can stand on.” - Patrice Washington
“A lot of times we find ourselves in a position where we think we need one thing, but it's actually something quite different.” - Elijah Frazier
“A lot of what we need comes from the foundation of who we are.” - Elijah Frazier
“If we tap into who we really are, then we would know who we are bringing to the table is really enough.” - Elijah Frazier
“Don't be surprised if the answer in your life is something completely different than what you expected.” - Elijah Frazier
“If I'm 100% honest with myself, I know I'll get to where I'm going.” - Elijah Frazier
“If the same thing keeps happening in different places, take a look in the mirror.” - Elijah Frazier
“What would happen if you really turn around and put the work in?” - Elijah Frazier
“Take credit for the good and take credit for the bad and act accordingly.” - Elijah Frazier
“Play into the purpose of your life.” - Elijah Frazier
“Before you were created your purpose was created.” - Elijah Frazier
“People struggle with seeing value within themselves.” - Elijah Frazier
“Open the gifts that were given to you.” - Elijah Frazier
Elijah’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Fulfillment and purpose.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Shut up and Ignore Everybody
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Elijah Frazier and the truth about wealth is that it is identity and purpose and being fulfilled.”
Thrive Conference Making Money Matter
Confidence Activated
Elijah Frazier on Facebook
Elijah Frazier on Instagram
Elijah Frazier on Twitter
Made for More
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Thursday May 02, 2019
Dr. Nicole B. Washington: Functioning Doesn’t Mean Fulfilled
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Dr. Nicole B. Washington is a board certified psychiatrist, speaker, author, and consultant. She helps high functioning individuals get help with issues around mental health. A large area of her focus is on physician mental health and dealing with the stigma around mental illness. She is the chief medical officer of Elocin Psychiatric Services and is passionate about corporate mental health. Dr. Nicole is the host of The C-Suite Confidant Podcast and the author of From Introspection to Action: The High-Level Professional's 28 Day Journey to Improving Mental Health.
Episode Summary:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I am so glad to have Dr. Nicole B. Washington here to talk about how we all need to be conscious of our mental health and not be afraid to seek help when we need it. We unpack how and why high functioning individuals put so much stress on themselves and what to do about it, as well as, why you must give yourself permission to be broken and not put arbitrary rules on yourself. Dr. Nicole shares tips for focusing on the positive, celebrating achievements and what true self care routines look like.
After experiencing panic issues, Dr. Nicole realized that physicians and high functioning individuals didn’t always have places to go to for help.
Don’t hold yourself to unreasonably high standards and give yourself permission to be broken.
It’s important to pause and celebrate yourself and your achievements.
Be intentional about your focus and focus on the positive not the negative. Practicing gratitude can help with this.
Create a brag folder to remind yourself of the great things you have done and who you really are.
Don’t impose “should of” rules on yourself and make yourself feel guilty.
Self care is important. Do something special for yourself once a week and something more special monthly. Get sleep and outsource.
Quotes from the show:
“You have to take time for you, because if you let yourself die or let your job kill you, your position will be posted before your funeral even happens.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“None of us can have it all together all the time.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“I can't do everything. I'm not superhuman. I'm just a person.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“It's important of foster being driven, but also important to teach our kids how to rein that in.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“Be purposely intentional about focusing on the positive.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“Let it out and let it go. The key is not to hold on to that negative thing.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“Imposter syndrome is along the lines of not feeling that you're good enough or that you deserve to be on that same level as others.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
“Just because I can does not mean I should.” - Dr. Nicole B. Washington
Dr. Nicole’s Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
Define Success:
I think success is defined as whatever goal you reach that keeps you fulfilled. Success is always changing. What I define today may be totally different a year from now, because I'm evolving and changing all the time. Set your goals. When you are fulfilled with where you are, you've reached success..
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
Family, faith, and love.
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Think Your Way to Wealth
Fill-in the Blanks… “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Nicole Washington and the truth about wealth is that it is not defined by finances.”
Nicole B. Washington, D.O., MPH on LinkedIn
From Introspection to Action: The High-Level Professional's 28 Day Journey to Improving Mental Health
The C-Suite Confidant Podcast
Dr. Nicole B. Washington
Podcast Movement
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