Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington
The Redefining Wealth Podcast community believes that wealth is about more than money and material possessions; it’s actually about well-being. Each week, award-winning personal finance author, international speaker, media personality and your BFF in your head, Patrice Washington, shares solo insights or enlightening guest interviews that influence the masses to live their life’s purpose, find fulfillment and earn more without chasing money.
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Rewind: People Want to Support You
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Are you taking “how you show up in the world” for granted, especially when it’s time to get the support you desire?
Are you clear on how people can support you?
Are you praying for support, but then too prideful to vocalize you need help?
Are you allowing your irrational fears to turn you into an irresponsible steward?
If you’re nodding your head YES right now, I want you to know this:
There are people out there who want to support you, but they don’t understand how to do so.
Let’s take me, for example. Whenever people would ask what I needed, I’d respond with a generic answer or entirely turn down the offer of help. Now, that wasn’t because I didn’t need or want support.
You see, I was turning people away because I’d never taken the time to sit down and draft how people could support me.
Then it hit me … what if God wants to answer our silent prayers, but He’s waiting on us to use our voice and say we need help?
And what if our irrational fears are making us irresponsible stewards of the gifts He has blessed us with?
That’s profound, right? Well, in today’s episode, I go even deeper as I tackle each of these questions and unpack how I’ve addressed them. I’ll also explore the importance of shifting “how you show up in the world” so you get the support you want and need.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
People Want to Support Your Takeaways
Don’t block people’s blessings. – Patrice Washington
Stop sliding into people’s DMs on Instagram and talking about what you need. Instead, ask how you can support them. – Patrice Washington
When someone asks how they can support you are you prepared to answer honestly? – Patrice Washington
Pride comes before the fall. – Book of Proverbs 16:18 KJV
What I think is noble can quickly become irresponsible if it’s not kept in check. – Patrice Washington
How are your irrational fears making you an irresponsible steward? – Patrice Washington
What if God wants to answer our silent prayers, but He’s waiting on us to use our voice and actually say we need help first? – Patrice Washington
Are you taking yourself for granted? Are you unclear on how people can support you? Are you secretly praying for help, but too prideful to vocalize what you need? Are you allowing your irrational fears make you an irresponsible steward? Let us know in the comments below.
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Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Rewind: How to Walk in Expectancy
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Do you know the difference between expectation and expectancy? For many people, these two words are interchangeable.
Expectation means you have a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. This is what we anticipate, what we desire, what we wish for. Expectancy is a feeling something is going to happen – it’s the feeling you have when you’re expecting something.
For me, the difference between expectation and expectancy is action, and walking in expectancy is about actively doing something to move forward. It’s the action that then gives God something to bless, because as I’ve said before, God knows what you’re waiting on when he sees what you’re working on.
So, for instance, if you say you want to be a New York Times bestselling author but you have yet to sit down and write a word, how do you think that’s going to happen?
In today’s episode, we’re going to go further into this idea of walking in expectancy and how you have to actively do something in order to move closer to the thing you desire.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
How to Walk in Expectancy Takeaways
You can be committed to vision, but not attached to how you get there. – Patrice Washington
I came, I conquered, and if you know me, then you know that’s just another story and you will be seeing a lot more from me. – Miss Jamaica, Davina Bennett
Sometimes I stop and thank God for the prayers he didn’t answer. – Patrice Washington
Walking in expectancy is about trusting that no matter what happens, everything is working together for my good. – Patrice Washington
God knows what you’re waiting on when He sees what you’re working on. – Patrice Washington
Walking in expectancy means confidently looking for favor at every turn. – Patrice Washington
Your journey can’t only be about what you want, it has to also be about who you want to become in the process. – Patrice Washington
For me, I thank God for the many expectations I had that didn’t go as planned because the way I’ve been stretched and the lessons I’ve learned and the people I’ve met have been some of the biggest blessings of my life.
Now, I’d love to hear from you. What expectations have you had that didn’t go as planned and what did you learn from them? Have they helped shape who you are today? And what about expectancy? Are you actively walking in expectancy? Let us know in the comments below.
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Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Rewind: Be Their Walking Contradiction
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Has the past stopped you from moving forward? Did you do something in your 20s or 30s that you’re now ashamed of?
For many people, the worry and fear around the thing they’re ashamed of is the reason they never move forward. Think of it like this, you’re afraid to build something because the truth of your past will come out and it could potentially damage you, so you don’t even try.
Then there’s also the risk that other people will start making up parts of your past simply to discredit you and either you’ll begin to believe it yourself or it will feel so unbearable that you’ll stop building the thing you were building.
The thing is, we all have a past. We’ve all done things we're ashamed of and if we’re willing to own them, then nothing, not even the fictions other people spin, can stop us.
In today’s episode, I discuss my own past and the shame and embarrassment I felt when I announced on live television that I’d lost everything in the 2008 recession and was bankrupt. Owning that loss was difficult, but it is a part of my story, and as it turns out, it was necessary for me to go through that experience in order to better help you. Join me as I dive into this and what it means to be the walking contradiction.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
Be Their Walking Contradiction Takeaways
Many of us become paralyzed when it’s time to move forward because the shame of our past keeps us stuck where we are. – Patrice Washington
Nothing in life has happened to you, it’s happened for you. – Patrice Washington
Stop allowing other people to shame you into being quiet, into playing small, into pretending your gifts are insignificant – be their walking contradiction, instead. – Patrice Washington
What I love about my faith is that it teaches me the power of a plot twist. – Patrice Washington
When you know what is, you don’t have to be distracted or deterred by the what ifs. – Patrice Washington
Accept the facts. Your story is your story. What you’ve been through is what you’ve been through and there is nothing you can do to go back and change that. – Patrice Washington
Fiction is a belief or statement that is false, but one that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so. – Patrice Washington
I can accept the things that I’ve done – the good, the bad, the ugly – because I’ve learned to embrace these things as things that have happened for me, not to me. – Patrice Washington
Are you ready to become the "walking contradiction"? Are you willing to own your past regardless of what you've done? And are you prepared to put a stop to the fictitious stories that others may spin? Let us know in the comments below.
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Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Rewind: Give God Something To Bless
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Have you ever put something off or not taken the next step simply because you were confused about what came next?
Well, I’m pretty sure all of us have done this at one point or another.
The problem with this is when we’re not clear on what comes next, we often do one of two things. We either become information-gathers who run around in circles or we do nothing at all.
But here’s the thing, in life there’s always going to be seasons where you’re confused. That’s why it’s so important for you to become comfortable in the confusion and realize that any time you put yourself out there in a new way, it will be uncomfortable and confusing, but it’s a necessary part of growth.
For me, whenever I’m confused, I look at it as an opportunity to meet new people, to ask for help, to invest in myself and to stretch in a new way. In other words, I look at every instance of confusion as another opportunity to create something magical, and I hope after today’s episode you do too.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
Give God Something to Bless Takeaways
Confusion can only paralyze us if we allow it. – Patrice Washington
Any time you put yourself out there in a new way, it’s uncomfortable and confusing, but it’s also a necessary part of growth. – Patrice Washington
In the confusion, you have to be willing to surrender the most. – Patrice Washington
Look at every instance of confusion as another opportunity to create something magical. – Patrice Washington
If you’re waiting to have all the answers before you move forward, you’re going to go to your grave with the best ideas still in you. – Patrice Washington
God knows what you’re waiting on when He sees what you’re working on. – Patrice Washington
You have to participate in your own rescue. – Patrice Washington
I’d rather walk in what I believe may be the right direction blindfolded, than stand still. – Patrice Washington
Are you letting confusion hold you back? Are you waiting to have all the answers before you move forward? The hard truth is if you continue to stand still, you’ll end up going to your grave with all your best ideas still inside of you.
And for me, that’s unacceptable. I don’t want to be where I am now in a year from now. What about you? Are you ready to use confusion as an opportunity to grow? Let me know in the comments below.
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Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Cathy Heller: Clarity Comes in the Doing
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
When you think about your story and how it’s made you who you are today, are there parts you’re ashamed to share?
For many of us, there’s often something we don’t want to talk about. Maybe you came from an abusive home and your parents were alcoholics. Maybe you suffered from depression and put on a lot of weight as a result. Maybe your business failed and you had to file for bankruptcy.
Whatever it is, I’ve found that it’s the messy stuff – the stuff we want to sweep under the rug and forget about – that creates meaning in our life. And it’s that pain that ultimately creates our purpose.
So when it’s uncomfortable to share or acknowledge a part of your story, or when it’s easier to not put yourself out there and be vulnerable, I want you to remember everyone is carrying around something and it’s in those moments where you open up that you can truly reach them – at least, that’s what Cathy Heller, author of Don’t Keep Your Day Job, and I think.
In today’s episode, Cathy and I talk about everything from shame and your purpose to clarity and the importance of taking action. Cathy shares about her childhood, her first year in business and where she is now, and says instead of shaming yourself, you should invite all parts of yourself to have tea with you every morning. Join us as we dive in.
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This episode is brought to you by Purpose 2 Platform, a 20-week business accelerator and mentorship program that will get you clear on HOW to package your PURPOSE, communicate your PROMISE to your ideal audience, choose the best PLATFORM for your personality and lifestyle and create a PREMIUM offer.
Through this program, you’ll receive accountability and support in a dynamic community designed so you can finally make progress and be ready before you even need to pull that trigger on what’s no longer serving you.
Clarity Comes in the Doing Takeaways
Our pain often turns into our purpose. – Cathy Heller
There is no person who is one dimensional. – Cathy Heller
You tell your story so no one else can weaponize it and use it against you. – Patrice Washington
Your vulnerability is your superpower. – Cathy Heller
What makes you beautiful is the fact you’re broken. – Cathy Heller
People overestimate what’s necessary for them to become successful and underestimate what they can do with three or four conversations a day. – Cathy Heller
Give yourself permission to make sloppy progress and just get started. – Patrice Washington
If you’re not willing to keep trying, testing and taking action, you’re never going to get to what you’re actually meant to build. – Cathy Heller
It is harder to live in a state of celebration than it is in sadness. – Cathy Heller
Whether you realize it or not, we’re all scrolling social media because we’re hoping something will make us feel less alone, that something will make us feel as if there’s someone out there who gets it.
That’s why it’s so important for us to share our whole story –, the good and the bad. It’s the thing we need right now.
So, are you willing to step out and share? Are you willing to be vulnerable? Are you willing to be imperfect? Are you willing to share your pain and struggles? Let us know in the comments below.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Cathy’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“A balance between getting to spend time with your kids and getting to do the work you find meaningful.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Plenty, energy, possibility.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Cathy Heller and the truth about wealth is what people pay you for is not the product or the service, it’s where you resonate energetically.”
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Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Kwame Christian: Becoming Comfortable with Uncomfortable Conversations
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Have you ever wondered why so many of us struggle with having difficult conversations? Whether we go into people-pleasing mode or we check out of the conversation altogether to avoid further confrontation, many of us find these types of conversations extremely uncomfortable.
According to today’s guest, Kwame Christian, conflict is always an opportunity, and it’s difficult conversations that lead us to live our best life.
But is there a way we can get more comfortable having these conversations? One of Kwame’s best tips is to inject time into the situation and think through things before responding. There’s nothing that says you need to respond to someone immediately, in fact it’s in those snap responses we usually get into trouble.
That’s why Kwame encourages us all to step back, think through the process and use his Compassionate Curiosity framework, where you first acknowledge your emotions, then get curious with compassion and finally use joint problem-solving to come to a solution.
Kwame Christian is host of the world’s most popular negotiation podcast, Negotiate Anything, and is dedicated to empowering others through the art and science of negotiation and persuasion. And his book, Nobody Will Play With Me: Finding Confidence in Conflict, has helped countless individuals overcome the fear, anxiety and emotion often associated with difficult conversations.
Join Kwame and me as we go further into conflict resolution and discuss how to best navigate and lead difficult conversations.
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This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
Conflict Resolution Takeaways
The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations. – Kwame Christian
You can decide not to decide anything today. – Patrice Washington
Positive emotions can lead us to bad decisions in the same way that anger and frustration can. – Kwame Christian
When a person can leave a conversation and think differently about the situation, that’s when change is most likely going to come. – Kwame Christian
Get curious with compassion. – Kwame Christian
Staying in constant conflict is an opportunity to strengthen our relationships. – Kwame Christian
Do you see conflict differently? Have Kwame’s examples and Compassionate Curiosity framework changed how you will show up in difficult conversations? Let us know what your biggest takeaways were in the comments below.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Kwame’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Peace. Peace. Peace.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Nobody Will Play with Me by Kwame Christian
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Kwame Christian and the truth about wealth is that you have what you need already if you change your perspective.”
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Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Jeff Johnson: When Men Thrive
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
As we head into Father’s Day, I wanted to do a special episode for all of our Black men out there. I know 2020 has already been a year of changes and challenges, and I want to give all of you listening hope as I speak to what you might be experiencing.
To help me do this, I’ve invited Jeff Johnson, founder of Men Thrive – a digital platform dedicated to helping Black men of all ages show up whole, as they operate with joy and live with power. From creating, producing and hosting BET’s Mancave to launching the Men Thrive community, Jeff is intentionally curating experiences for Black men, and believes in providing spaces committed to men becoming their best selves.
As Jeff explains on today’s episode, Black men suffer from the highest levels of toxic stress, anxiety and depression. And in America, Black men have the lowest life expectancy of any other demographic.
But what might be more shocking than that is knowing Black men are suffering from a cultural norm that says they aren’t supposed to feel anything – nothing. No pain, no sorrow, no hurt.
“Feeling,” Jeff says, “is our greatest strength and in turn our greatest power.” For this reason, Jeff believes when we acknowledge our feelings without being controlled by them, when we embrace our feelings and go inward to examine them, and when we use our feelings to manifest our purpose, then, and only then, can we find our power.
Join us as we go further into this conversation and look at how history has contributed to this idea of feeling and to the space Black men (and women) find themselves in today.
This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit and join NOW.
Jeff Johnson Takeaways
The slave trade was an economy, and for white people to buy into it, they had to believe the narrative they were sold – that Black people weren’t human. – Jeff Johnson
Black men wear a mask because they can’t show themselves as human because white people can’t handle their humanity. – Jeff Johnson (paraphrasing Paul Laurence Dunbar)
Our greatest strength and greatest opportunity as Black men is to show up whole to operate in joy and to live in power. – Jeff Johnson
If I can be transparent with you about the small things, then we’ve got a track record of trust and can build on it. – Jeff Johnson
What are your biggest takeaways from this episode? If you were to imagine a world where Black men showed up whole, in joy and in power, what would it look like? What would our families, our businesses and our communities look like? Let us know in the comments below.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Jeff’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“Greatness. I hate the word success because I think it’s driven by what the world says you have to do in order to be recognized, but you can be great when nobody is watching. Success for me is the quest for mastery.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Thank you, Daddy.” (i.e., When your children say thank you in the truest sense of the word for giving them what they needed, not what you told them they needed.)
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun? by Reginald Lewis
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Jeff Johnson and the truth about wealth is that it is a multi-generational journey. In other words, it’s a relay race where my job is to have my family collectively in a better place when I hand over the baton then when I got the baton.”
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Thursday Jun 11, 2020
It’s Pruning Season
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
In case you didn’t already know, I’m a planner. My team and I plan out each week’s episode months in advance, and this week I was going to be all about the pruning and weeding the things from your life that are damaged, diseased or dying, since June 13 is National Weed Your Garden Day.
Then George Floyd died in Minneapolis.
Then I saw the video of Amy Cooper calling the police on Chris Cooper, the black man who simply asked her to leash her dog in Central Park.
And I decided to shift this idea of pruning and weeding so it’s not only about cutting back what isn’t serving you in this season, but it’s also about pulling out the weeds of racism that run so deep in this country.
That said, this episode is going to be a little different than what you’re used to. In the past, I’ve never used my platform to address racism, but one of the weeds I’m pulling up for National Weed Your Garden Day is the idea that as a well-educated, productive, good Black woman I have to bury my pain to make people who are more privileged than me – simply because of color – comfortable. No more.
This episode is brought to you by Purpose 2 Platform, a 20-week business accelerator and mentorship program that will get you clear on HOW to package your PURPOSE, communicate your PROMISE to your ideal audience, choose the best PLATFORM for your personality and lifestyle and create a PREMIUM offer.
Through this program, you’ll receive accountability and support in a dynamic community designed so you can finally make progress and be ready before you even need to pull that trigger on what’s no longer serving you.
Learn more here:
It’s Pruning Season Takeaways
I’ve faced racism from blatant racists and I’ve faced racism from non-racists who refused to become anti-racists. – Patrice Washington
White friends, many of you have older people in your family who are weeds to the cause of social justice. Speak up and say something. – Patrice Washington
There’s no way for Black people to have intellectual conversations with people who believe they are lower than animals – no way. – Patrice Washington
The excessive, unwanted weed of racism is so deep in this country that it will take all of our collective voices to say enough is enough. – Patrice Washington
Take a stance and become a real ally, not a silent bystander. – Patrice Washington
To say “I never know what to say” is not enough. You don’t get to have a pass on this. – Patrice Washington
Silence makes you complacent. Silence is you saying, “Well, as long as it’s not me, I’m going to mind my own business. They’ll figure it out.” – Patrice Washington
It’s not enough to not be racist. You have to make a decision to be anti-racist. – Patrice Washington
Change is always uncomfortable, especially when it’s involuntary. – Patrice Washington
It’s crucial that every one of us take note of the weeds growing around us, and that we do what’s needed to pull them as soon as we see them. Otherwise, they will not only continue to kill us but eventually, they will destroy this nation.
So, I ask, who are the “weeds” that need plucked? Who are the people you’ve let slide with their racist comments and remarks? Who are the people you’ve seen racially profile someone? And what are you going to do about them?
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Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Casanova Brooks: Your Story Is Not for You
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Have you ever heard the saying, “Bad things come in threes?” Well, I’m sure you have. You may have even experienced it yourself, where you wonder, “Why me? Why is this thing happening to me right now when I’ve already got all these other terrible things happening?”
For Casanova Brooks, award-winning real estate agent, investor, speaker and author of Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners, that’s how he felt when he lost his mom, his job and his home all within a matter of weeks.
It was a lot to go through, but Casanova didn’t let it defeat him. Instead, he focused on the next steps and kept going because he saw the potential in the things he was building – relationships, a business, a future, a legacy.
And today, he’s joining us to share his journey and the wisdom he’s gained from his “bad things come in threes” journey to survival. Even as a young boy, Casanova had the ability and natural energy to build relationships, and as he says, “I first started with the question of what can I do to serve more?” So now, let’s dive in and learn how he’s gotten to where he is today.
This episode is brought to you by Purpose 2 Platform, a 20-week business accelerator and mentorship program that will get you clear on HOW to package your PURPOSE, communicate your PROMISE to your ideal audience, choose the best PLATFORM for your personality and lifestyle and create a PREMIUM offer.
Through this program, you’ll receive accountability and support in a dynamic community designed to help you finally make progress, all so you can pull the trigger on what’s no longer serving you.
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Everything Starts with a Dream Takeaways
Just because you have a college degree, doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful in life. – Casanova Brooks
Be the lord of your land because he or she who owns the land, makes the rules. – Jay Morrison
I want to die empty, not die knowing that all my best ideas died with me. – Patrice Washington
You don’t have to love the process, but you have to be married to the destination. – Casanova Brooks
If you’re waiting for a perfect process, you’re going to miss it all. – Patrice Washington
People don’t buy what you do, they buy who you are and why you’re doing it. – Casanova Brooks
Everyone has an unfair advantage. – Casanova Brooks
You’re listening to the 1% and then doing what the 99% do. – Casanova Brooks
What are your biggest takeaways from Casanova’s story? How have you moved through and dealt with loss? Did you find having a purpose made it easier? Let us know in the comments below.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Casanova’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“By the number of people who cry at your funeral because that’s when you know you’ve truly made an impact.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Casanova and the truth about wealth is understanding real estate, business and credit will be the things that allow you and your legacy to live on for many generations.”
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Thursday May 28, 2020
Lucinda Cross: Get Off Your ASK
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
When it comes to asking for what you want in life, are you the type of person who tries to figure things out on your own or are you the type of person who is willing to ask for help and support?
For many women, myself included, it’s hard for us to ask for what we want because we’re not taught to ask.
For me, I think about why I waited so long to ask for help when my business was crumbling in the last recession and it’s because I grew up in a household where I was not taught to ask. I was taught to figure it out.
Combine that with the fear many of us have about asking for support, and it’s no surprise so many women hold themselves back professionally, as entrepreneurs, and even in their relationships.
Today, Lucinda Cross, author of The Big ASK and an International speaker and influencer, joins us to unpack why so many of us fear asking for help. Lucinda pulls from her own experiences and from the hundreds of people she’s interviewed on this subject and has come up with some practical steps you can take now to get closer to asking your big ASK.
Find Lucinda here:
This episode is brought to you by Purpose 2 Platform, a 20-week business accelerator and mentorship program that will get you clear on HOW to package your PURPOSE, communicate your PROMISE to your ideal audience, choose the best PLATFORM for your personality and lifestyle and create a PREMIUM offer.
Through this program, you’ll receive accountability and support in a dynamic community designed so you can finally make progress and be ready before you even need to pull that trigger on what’s no longer serving you.
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Get Off Your ASK Takeaways
The fear of asking usually comes from either not having clarity on what to ask or having asked before and been let down. – Lucinda Cross
Come up with 10 solid reasons this thing matters, then when you get rejected, remember those reasons and keep asking. – Lucinda Cross
When you tell people to ask for what they want, they usually only know what they don’t want. – Patrice Washington
No one wants to do anything for someone who is doing nothing. – Lucinda Cross
Don’t be an ASKhole (i.e. someone who keeps asking and asking, but then does absolutely nothing). – Lucinda Cross
Even on your best day, when your swagger is at 100% and everything about you is hot and on full blast, there will be those who don’t feel you. – Lucinda Cross
Two-thirds of 7 billion people want to say yes to you. They just need to know you exist and know what you have to offer. – Lucinda Cross
As you work on your big ASK, use Lucinda’s work as a guide. Walk through the ten reasons why this thing matters to you and as you go, get more and more clarity on your ask. You also want to avoid being an ASKhole, so be respectful of the person you’re making the big ask of and don’t waste their time.
Do you have a big ASK? Have you ever been an ASKhole? And how can you avoid it from happening again. Let us know in the comments below.
Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Lucinda’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.
Define Success:
“Doing what I want, when I want, how I want, with who I want.”
Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
“Unlimited supply.”
One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:
The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen
Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Lucinda and the truth about wealth is that it’s available.”
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